Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Amazing Trip More Througlly part 3

It was pretty quiet when we got on the plane. we got bored along the way,so we fell asleep.when we woke up, the plane was still flying over the ocean.Then all of the sudden,we heard a boom at the back of the plane. The engine broke ,but it kept on going. Everybody got scared and the plane fell into the ocean. When we fell into the ocean we were trying to find K9, and he was on two surfboards. Then when we got on the surfboards and all of the sudden the explosion made a tidal wave at us, so we surf the wave to Africa for 4 hours and then sharp rocks at the side of Africa, and we fell to the rocks and..................................................we survived.To Be Continued......

The Amazing Trip More Througlly part 2

We were late to the LA airport,so we had to drive really fast. Then the police saw us exeeding the speed limit and they stopped us. We said we were late for our flight,but they said,"We need to see your ID to let you leave". We showed it to them and they said,"You may go now". We left and then got there right on time.K9 was still on the plane;we found our seats and the plane took off.To be continued...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Amazing Trip more thouroghlly part 1

One day Anthony,Alex,and K9 lived in Los Angeles,California in their beachhouse.
They were planning for weeks of vacation.We thought about going to diffrerent places all over the world, and we picked Africa.After that, when they were packing up,K9 wanted to come with us to Africa.The boys said okay,and now they were trying to pick a place in Africa.They thought "Hey lets make K9 pick." and K9 picked the Sahara Desert.To be continued...